Monday, August 19, 2019

Day 19: My Worst Habits

Wanna know one of the weirdest bad habits I have??
I cut my calluses off with regular scissors. lol! It's true. Because of poor circulation, I develop calluses on my feet quite often. I have developed bruises because instead of taking care of them how one should with prescribed creams and oils and regular foot care, I wait until they get too thick and grab a pair of scissors and go to cutting the dead skin off myself. Any doctor will tell you NOT TO DO THIS, but, do I listen? Nope! I need a pedicure badly and the pumice stone soap bar from LUSH badly!

If you haven't clicked off already because you're sick and disgusted, it gets better, trust me.

I have a really bad habit of arriving late to events and appointments. Not simply within the forgiving 5-10 minute range, no, I end of being half hour or more late on many occasions. Ugh! Punctuality is not one of my strong suits. I do admit that. I mean, it's not because I'm trying to find something to wear or have a lot of hair to deal with (I purchase mine). Those things are quick and simple for me. My issue is just when I actually start getting ready and then when I end of leaving my house to get to wherever. Transportation has been an issue for me for a very long time. Knowing that you'd think I'd learn to leave earlier to allow for transportation issues. Nope. Ugh. However, I have been getting better. Dating men who are punctual helps me, but I haven't mastered it just yet.

Wait, I think I have one that may make you sick again...
I also have a horrible habit of chewing on the inside of my jaw. You know how you bite your nails and then spit out the piece of nail that you've broken off from the bite. I do the same thing with the skin on the inside of my jaw. Ill! It's been a horrible oral fixation the better part of my life. Every dentist I've ever seen has yelled at me about it. They tell me to stop immediately. I think it makes my mouth more susceptible to bacteria and infections. I've done it for so long I do it subconsciously. I have to try to be mindful when I do it. It makes my mouth sting when I use mouthwash and oral rinses. Yikes! There's no such thing as jaw transplants that I know of so I better cut it out.

And lastly, just one more for the road...
One of my worst habits is starting challenges and not completing them. Seriously. I'll find a cool challenge to try online somewhere or in a magazine and give up too soon. Or I will challenge myself to try something new or try to develop a new and positive habit, and then get less than halfway through and fail, and never pick it back up. That's why I'm super determined to complete this blog challenge and get better at it. I may lose readers with entries like this, but I still have to try!

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