Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Day 21: Something I Miss

  When beginning to think about one thing that I miss, I began to make an extensive list. I couldn't believe it. I could not limit myself to just a tangible item to talk about. I had to add details about various different aspects of my life to the list of what I miss. It is a list now. I realize now that there are tons of things that I miss! I've created this list freehand, so there is no order and no organization to it. Some "things" have a little bit of an explanation, but most items listed are just straight forward. Be sure to comment below if you want more details about anything listed.

I miss the innocence of childhood.
I miss the pure worship in church
I miss the passion for salvation and the upbuilding of God's kingdom.
I miss the village mindset of our community. Neighbors looking out for neighbors. A trust and respect that is far lost
I miss going to school and excelling in classes.
I miss my old body - freshman year of college body. I thought I was huge but look back at the pictures and have no idea what the heck was wrong with me!
I miss chivalry.
I miss trying to empress one another while courting in a relationship. Just because we both want to be together doesn't mean I'm sticking around yet. I'm trying to impress you, don't I deserve the same effort?
I miss having a really nice car.
I miss being able to intimidate men because they thought I was untouchable and high maintenance because of the standard I'd kept for myself. My how I've let myself go (you can tell by the guys I've dated over the past decade or so lol).
I miss being fully functional and aware after only a few hours of sleep (in college).
I miss having my own radio show.
I miss college.
I miss traveling.
I miss the diamond (looking) tennis bracelet my grandmother gave me at age 16 (or 18). It made me feel like a woman. It was the only thing I'd ever remember getting from her of any value. I have no idea where it's gone. It's been gone for about a decade and still hurts that I don't have it.
I miss making love and being amazed. 
I miss the look in people's eyes when they'd meet me which would always say "that girl is going somewhere." I've been such a disappointment for so long I don't even know how to get those looks anymore. I wasn't trying for them in the first place, but it was enough to motivate me to want to do better. Strangers and loved one alike would offer such a powerful look to me. I miss being the woman who got that type of look from people.

  That's all I can think of right now off the top of my head. This list is certainly unorganized in every way. Again, if you desire to have more details about anything that I've listed, please be sure to comment below and I can provide details. Does anything on this list resonate with you? Give details in the comments. Did I make this a bigger deal than what it had to be?

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